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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Birthline: More than just layettes…
by: Jena Hartman

As Birthline continues to work with many area social service agencies to assist low-income families with layettes and baby equipment, the Birthline staff and I have come to realize that it is often beneficial for the Birthline clients that we share with them information regarding other resources for services, additional clothing and equipment.  One of those resources is the Walk-In- Breastfeeding Clinic.

Each Wednesday from 4:30 to 8:00 p.m., Kathy McCoy, RN, IBCLC, conducts a free-of-charge breastfeeding clinic here at the Catholic Center.  First of all, let me share a bit about Kathy.  The “alphabet soup” after her name indicates that she is a registered nurse and a certified lactation specialist; she is on staff at Methodist Hospital.  Also, she is married and the mother of five adult daughters and the grandmother of 14!  Knowing that about her, tells that she has seen or experienced just about everything both as a mother and grandmother as well as professionally in the realm of babies and breastfeeding.  Kathy is one of the most kind, caring, patient, generous, loving and knowledgeable people that I have ever had the privilege of calling “friend.”  Kathy also volunteers one afternoon each week here at Birthline.

The Walk-In-Breastfeeding Clinic is one of several offered here in the Indianapolis area; but it is special in many aspects.  There is no charge for coming to this clinic.  The mothers are welcome to come as many times as they want to come. (Others are only one or two classes.) Kathy also carries her cell phone with her to assist anxious moms.  She will answer a call except while working or in church to help resolve the issue at hand for mom and baby.

Kathy believes that having a baby and choosing to breastfeed is a “family event.”  For that reason, dads are welcome at Kathy’s clinic. (Dads are not allowed to attend most other classes.)  She has observed that the dads are so involved with their own baby that they are oblivious to the other mothers and their babies in the session.
For many of the moms who come to Kathy’s clinic, purchasing a breast pump is not an option.  When a breast pump is donated to Birthline, we have no idea if it is complete or in working order.  By giving it to Kathy, she is able to sterilize it at her home and complete it with spare parts from her “collection.”  This is a winning situation for everybody  --  a happy mom receives a working, sanitized piece of equipment and instruction from a knowledgeable person at no charge.

Birthline often receives other breastfeeding specific items.  By giving them to Kathy, she is able to share them with the mothers who attend the clinic who need and will use these items.
Recently, I had a social worker share an experience with me.  This particular social worker had a mother who very much wanted to breastfeed her new infant.  The mom had had the one class offered by the hospital, but was not being successful at home.  The baby was not doing well, the mom was frantic and as a “last recourse” the social worker brought the mom and baby to Kathy’s clinic.  I one hour’s time, Kathy taught the mom correct techniques, soothed the baby to enable successful nursing and the social worker was amazed!  A relieved social worker, a grateful mom and a peacefully sleeping baby with a full tummy happily left the Breastfeeding Clinic. 

If Kathy knows in advance that a Spanish-speaking mother would like to come to the Clinic, she can arrange for a Spanish-speaking nurse to join them.  Kathy’s goal is to have healthy, nourished babies and happy mothers, regardless of their economic status or their language/culture.  I have dropped in several times, and it is a roomful of happiness and friendship.

The Walk-In-Breastfeeding Clinic is a personal ministry of Kathy’s.  She does not receive any grant money or other funding.  But the benefit that she provides to the attending mothers and their babies is priceless.  Birthline is happy to include The Walk-In-Breastfeeding Clinic as part of our resource list for the mothers who come to us for layettes.  Kathy McCoy has touched hundreds of new mothers and babies and their lives are happier and healthier.  Kathy is a blessing to many, many people! J